Tuesday, March 11, 2008

In My Life..

Remember that song by the Beatles? I love it. Well anyway...things going on in my life right now....

Working at West At Home...it's a home based customer service company. I get to stay at home and I take calls from people who're ordering things from infomercials. I'd just gotten the position when Mom got so sick...I'd only worked like 2 shifts. So then after she passed away, I started back to work with them. It's a job just getting shifts! I think they've over hired and we're all scrambling to get the few coveted shifts. I've also applied with another company called Live Ops...I'm hoping that with the two jobs I'll be able to get some decent shifts and bring home some extra income. I'm only wanting to work 15-20 hours each week and that would bring us in enough income to live comfortably. We'd like to use my income for entertainment portion of our budget.

Started back to Weight Watchers. I haven't been since Jan 28th...(Mom died on Feb 9th) and are you ready for this? My weight stayed EXACTLY the same over that time. 279.8. I was shocked...not that I thought I'd gained that much weight but that the numbers were exactly the same. So, I need to get back on the wagon. Christine almost quit this week and I would have hated for her to do that. She's at a comfortable weight even tho she has put back on 10 pounds. And she feels that other things are more important in her life right now that she wants to concentrate her efforts on. I can understand it fully...but none the less, I hope she continues. And I want to do my part to help her feel that she has a worthwhile partner in this.

Cleaning out Mom's house. God how depressing. Sheena went with me today (she's out on spring break) and she was able to get a lot of mom's clothes. That made me feel good that she could get some use out of them. We've still got to get a lot of her furniture out. I feel a bit of pressure to hurry it up because Aunt Marilyn needs to re-rent her home and can't do that til Steven and i get it emptied. The other thing that's pressing us is the need to find a home for those pooches of mom's. They're chiauauas (or rat dogs) and just not my kind of dog. And I know that's bad of me to say since I claim to be a dog lover. So that means I should love all breeds right? but i dont.

So that's about it...Until we chat again.

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