Sunday, May 28, 2006

weight loss beginnings

so after almost a year of doing low carb dieting, i've switched teams. Christine & i joined Weight Watchers last Monday night and i've been sticking to the plan like glue. The weight is falling off this week. Now i'm sure if i'd stuck to Low Carb as well as i'm sticking to this diet plan it probably would have come off too, but I was so burnt out on it! WW seems so easy right now because of the variety. Wish me luck as i weighed in at a whopping 298 pounds!!! Below is my before picture...(ignore the hat..we were at a tea room that required hats) But i hate the picture! i can usually push double chins in or hide in the back of pictures and be ok with the way it looks...not this time.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

guilty as charged

So we're riding in the car last night coming home from a nutritious dinner at TACO BELL talking about snacking etc...Elizabeth our 6 yr old chimes in, "i've seen you & Dad DOING IT" she exclaims in a very loud voice. Dale & i look at each other a bit worriedly. "Doing what?" we ask..."She excitedly says, "i know what you do after we go to bed! You eat ice cream and lie in bed and KISS!".....Yup...guilty as charged.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

I chose Wisely

You know that scene in Indiana Jones #3 where they're seaching for the Holy Grail? He looks around at the huge selection of possible cups that could be the Holy Grail and chooses a humble looking container. The old man Sir Stephen i think it is says, " you chose wisely" in what i think was the most classic understatement in cinema history...well today i had an overwealming feeling of "i chose wisely"

In the last couple of weeks, i've run into two ex'es...the first was Rusty...and then today Greg. Both are now married and of course so am i...and i'm looking at my husband and thinking, I CHOSE WISELY. A friend recently said to me at a party i went to that i looked so terribly happy and "glowing" and i just replied that i've never been happier.