Thursday, March 27, 2008

Thursday 13

13 Things I've "Inherited" from My mom.

As yall know, I lost my mom recently. I use lost as it infers that I will one day find her again...and i will...not in this world, but in the next. So, one of the many tasks we've had (my brother, husband and i ) is to clean out her stuff and for us to divy it up. Here are the top 13 things I'm now the proud new owner of.

13. The yellow mixing bowl. It's nothing's just soooo handy. It's a thick plastic, a good size and has a handle. We've used it for as long as we can remember for so many different projects from cake batters to popcorn.

12. The GREEN mixing bowl. LOL. But it's totally different from the aforementioned yellow one. First, this one is much older and it's metal. And we used it alllll the time. Most memorable was for shelling peas or snapping green beans. Steven (my brother ) and i both wanted it...but i got it...afterall, he got her car.

11. ANGELS. glory goodness that woman loved angels...and many of these i'd given her. I'm looking at a pretty one right's got no face and has moss hair and a vine for a halo. They're all over the house now...watching over us.

10. Dolphin stained glass. She was a huge collector of all things dolphins. Me? not so much. But she did have one beautiful stained glass that was in her front window at the little cottage (what she called her house...along with the Briarpatch cottage).

9. Jewelry! so much jewelry. She loved gemstones and had a huge collection that i couldnt begin to appreciate. (There's a REASON she wanted her friend Bill to have it!) But i went thru her jewelry and picked out a few pieces that weren't so big...i'm not into big jewelry. I gave some to my cousin Kim and some to my Aunt and Grandmother.

8. A really cool night stand. it's got tons of drawers and it's pretty. Now, knowing my mom, she probably got it at a thrift store, but who cares? It's really neat. I'm "letting" Dale use it for his night stand...but it looks good over on his side of the room and it's perfect for my organized husband.

7. FOOD. Steven and I felt like little scavengers going thru her pantry...but I now have more chocolate than i could dream of buying, canned foods that would do a food pantry proud. Every meal, we comment, "another one down..." meaning the cans.

6. A Canon Printer/fax/scanner. Dale's had one for several years now but since the move, I've been deprived of it since we're not in the same room anymore. But thanks to Mom, I have my own now. It's older and takes 5 cartridges instead of 2, but hey, it works.

5. 3 HUGE framed (expensively i might add) prints/paintings of dolphins. I have NO IDEA where there're going to go, but they were too nice to donate to charity.

4. An old timey radio from my great Aunt Mary Alice's home that my mom had gotten. It's one of those large rounded ones that probably announced the bombing of Pearl Harbor. It's still got the vacumn tubes in the back.

3. A king size bed. We havn't brought it down to the house yet, but will. It'll be the first time I've ever owned a King!! What an up grade from Queen.

2. 2 new computers...but I'm giving one to my cousin Kim. Both are Dell's and faster than my current one that is circa first marriage.

1. Every card or picture or letter that my kids, my brother or I ever sent her. She kept them all. God I miss her.

1 comment:

Happy Mama to Three said...

I needed a tissue after that. It so seems that there are amazing memories associated with almost every item. I love the mixing bowls. There just seems like something special and memory making when we cook with our Mama's. Where she stands and tells much of this or that belongs in a recipe that she has never written down. I am glad that these memories are so good. I am sorry you have to go through missing her. That breaks my heart.
