Friday, February 17, 2006


Bad headache this morning...sitting here working at 652am when i should still be asleep. It's been hard rolling out of bed the last few morning because of the kids being out of school so Dale gets to sleep later than me. But he's a sweetie, he still gets up and fixes me a Diet coke to get my morning started.

Mom is in the hospital, i went to be with her yesterday as they did tests and then admitted her. She has an infection in her pancreas & gallstones & and a gall bladder that needs to be removed. Was weird being with her last night...flashback to my having that Cyst burst and removed thing. I'm sure she'll be ok...was weird spending time with her again tho. She and i really need to re-connect...she's been gone so long and changed so much since she lived here. I want to make the effort..especially since she and Steven are again on the outs. It's just that our timings are off. I have so little free time these days.