Thursday, November 06, 2008

So many Topics, So little time

As the title says, so much to discuss!! I never even did my Halloween post and we really had a great time last Friday night trick or treating. Had a great time picking out a pumpkin and carving it (that in and of it's self was worth an entry...I've NEVER carved a pumpkin before so that was a treat indeed!...Word to the wise, invest in a pumpkin carving kit. My knives just weren't cut out for it! (no pun intended!) )

Here's a pic from Halloween

Then there's the BIG news...The election of Barack Obama. Wow. What a night. I voted for him. I was glued to the tv watching the returns come in. Listening to John McCain's really heartfelt speech...the part where he took the full blame of the defeat on himself was sad to hear. It wasnt a wasn't his 'fault' so to speak....It was just a different direction that country needs to go in. Something new to try and put the country back on the road to prosperity. He shouldnt blame himself in my opinion. Then the acceptance speech by truly gave me goosebumps. I hope the country can make a turn around and that Dale & I can continue to make a difference in ours and our children's lives. I've never felt like the president really made a difference in my life personally. Still dont although I continue to vote each year. I think that it's up to us as individuals to make our own differences in our life and to encourage and prosper the best we can. But I wish nothing but the best for the Obamas.