Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter 2008

Ok...we did it. We broke the terrible news to the kids about the existence of the Easter Bunny or lack thereof. It came up because we bought Sheena an Easter gift and John could not stop arguing and complaining that SHE got a gift from us and he didn't. It didn't matter that he'd gotten something from the Easter Bunny...he hadn't received anything from US. So we told them. Very bluntly I might add. And of course the inevitable came up from Josh, " Does this mean that Santa isn't real either???" I couldnt do it. I broke down and lied. NO...That's a totally different thing. Santa's real...but a hopping bunny bringing easter gifts? come on now.

So with all that said, here are some pics from the Easter Egg Gettogether we had ysterday at Dale's sister Amy's home. Dont think these are the best I can do...i forgot my camera and had to use my cell phone!

and here are all the grandkids....

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