Tuesday, April 05, 2005

long day

Well, the house is starting to come together....still tons of things to put away. We got up early to go to the gym this morning, (i love to play raquetball) but my day started out bad there because I'm seeing currently with only one contact lens and so I played awfully! The kids seem to have fun in the day care center there so that's a blessing. We ran by the apartment and picked up a few things then to Target to take a look at our registry. Then home...fixed lunch and got the kids down for a nap..then Dale & I took a nap...we all slept for about 1.5 hours which was much needed. The kids played outside for a good portion of the evening...

Tonight was really cool...we all sat around and watched American Idol. It's rare that John (the three yr old) will sit still that long for anything...much less a singing show...but he's running a low-grade fever from allergies i think.

Still got a lot of details to work out on me getting my car fixed and the final details of the wedding & honeymoon. I hope the money comes together.

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Some Perspective

Well it's been 2 weeks now... I have a little more perspective...The hardest thing to me about being a stay at home mom to these two is keeping them busy...they get so bored with things so fast...I dont know know what to have them doing! I dont want them watching so much tv...weather so far has prevented them from going outside a lot...We play games on the computer, we go run errands...we had TWO trips to the library last week...I like being on the go with them....I want them to learn how to behave in public. They're VERY strong willed.

I cant wait for the time when they start calling me Mom....