Thursday, January 31, 2008

Thursday 13...Places to Go, People to See, Things to Do

Here it is the last day of January and the house is abuzz with all the things we have to get done. So, somehow, I'm going to work it into a Thursday 13.

13. Secure House Insurance for the new home. Closing is tentively set for Feb 8 and we need Home Insurance. So far, the 3 cheapest are Safeco, MetLife (Go Snoopy) and Allstate (You're in Good hands!) I'll let Dale make the final decision, I'm just helping him get quotes.

12. PACK. Golly...we've not started yet. Dale wants to clean the whole house first...I just want to pack! We'll clean as we go along.

11. Eat everything in the outside freezer so that it can be defrosted...or at the least get it down to a manageable level so that it can be put into the refridgerator freezer.

10. Plan something for Valentine's Day for husband. We'll have just moved into our new house and I'd like to do something for him there. I am thinking about a picnic in the floor of the new house. Heart shaped cookies, that sort of thing. We'll see.

9. Work. I've taken a part time position with West At Home. It's a customer service company where the calls come to my home and I do my best to help them. I'm still navigating thru the screens, but I suppose I'll pick up on it. Any extra money is a good thing.

8. Ebay. I've got a few things on there I'm watching. Selling a couple of my old cookbooks. One's an Amish cookbook I bought when I was on my honeymoon up in Pennsylvania with my ex. Who needs another memory of him? not i said the fly.

7. Get Groceries...just not lots of frozen foods. (See #9) I try to do that on Fridays...I need to make a dessert & a an appetizer. I think I'm making fudge and then I dont know what...maybe the spinach artichoke dip ...with crackers ( i like to make fried bowties, but dont see that happening Saturday)

6. Sunday School Party on Saturday. I'm looking forward to it as it's the first thing we've gone to as members of this class. We've been going to Hebron Baptist for a while now but had put off joining because we thought we'd be moving too far away to keep attending. Now that's not going to be the case, we're looking forward to making it our church home. It's the largest church I've ever been a part of. But the Sunday School people are very nice...I hope they have kids that ours will get along with.

5. SUPERBOWL SUNDAY!! I love football, but the team I was pulling for (Brett Farve & the GreenBay Packers) didnt make it to the big I really dont care who wins. Well that's not true. I guess I'm pulling for New England to have their "perfect" season.

4. Send back this shirt I bought for Christine's birthday party from Jessica London. It looked so good in the catalog but then when I got it...well I thought it looked like a maternity shirt. And that's the LAST thing I need.

3. Monitor the kids reading. See, they're all trying to earn Six Flags tickets by reading 6 hours worth of books. Now with John especially, this is hard because I have to do all that reading to him. But I refuse to just sign off on these things that they read it when in fact they didnt. Additionally, I'm big on encouraging Josh & Elizabeth to get those AR points (Advanced Reading) They each have goals at schools and if they make them, they get medals at the end of the year. Elizabeth cried last year cause she didnt get one and I'm trying to make sure she earns it this year. I've been checking out books for her left and right that I know are on the list. It's up to her to read them tho.

2. MOVE. Supposedly we're moving next Saturday...golly can you believe it??? I can't wait. Wish us luck.

1. Visit Mom in hospital. She's back in again and things aren't looking good. She had a bone marrow test today to see why she's not producing white blood cells. I'm scared to be perfectly honest. Please keep her in your prayers.

1 comment:

Happy Mama to Three said...

Sounds like there are too many things on your plate and yet you are handling them with grace. I have your Mom in my prayers. I hope that she starts to improve.
