Thursday, November 01, 2007

13 Things that fascinate/Intrigue me

13 The sinking of the Titanic. I'm fascinated with studying this beyond words. I have always been a big history buff and this sad story always has intrigued me. When the exhibit was in Tampa, i went down there to see it and the tragedy of it really hit home for me. I was on pins and needles waiting for the movie to come out back in Dec of 97...and was so disappointed that she broke her promise (She DIDNT hang on!!)

12. Lizzie Borden. Again..the tragedy of it. What would drive a person to do that to her family? Did Lizzie do it as everyone assumes? or was she truly innocent as she was found by the Massachusetts jury? We shall never know.

11. Concentration Camps. No, I'm not Jewish...but the atrocities that race have faced have captured my interest since I was a little girl and first read The Diary of Anne Frank. Then came The Hiding Place...then when i was in my late 20s a semi-boyfriend of mine took me on a train trip to Washington DC.While there, we visited the Holocaust Mueseum and it made me see things in such a more personal level.

10. Westerns...beit Western books like Louis L'amours...or Little House on the Prairie...or Butch Cassidy or John Wayne movies. Billy the Kid...Tombstone & Doc Holiday and the Earp Brothers.

9. The 20's & 30s. I love reading about the roaring twenties! I even did a 7th Grade social science project about the fads and fashions of the 20s. Love reading about the Lindberg baby kidnapping...or the St. Valentine's day Massacre. Morbid i know. Then the stock market crash and it's effect on everyone..the resulting "great depression" and our entry into World War Two.

8. David in the Bible. I love reading the Bible for it's literary value. I think David is the most fascinating character in it. So much of his life is simply unbelievable. I think I've read everything about him or written BY him. Much more interesting in his mistakes and triumphs. I mean this man messed up time and time again and yet he always returned remained in the favor of God. What a rolemodel for reality. Unlike Paul (my LEAST favorite character! that woman hater! LOL)

7. The Weather. Yes, it's true..i love to watch the weather. I love it when it may snow, or storm, or dip down to historic lows (or highs) i love giant storms and the power within them. I love watching clouds roll by or seeing the results of high winds.

6. Photography. Oh i'm not very good at it, but i love pictures. I love looking thru old pictures that arn't even mine. I love snapping shots and preserving a history thru them. I almost always have my camera with me and I'm really not even a very good photographer...but I manage to capture a lot that hopefully my kids will appreciate one day. I love making gifts out of them...of reminding people how important they are to me thru them.

5. Oral History. I love hearing old stories about the good old days. About how things were done "back then" about who's related to whom and how? I sooo need to get my grandmothers on tape telling some old stories or passing down some of their old recipes. Then I can weave them into some DVDs to give people in the future.

4. Life after Death. Ghosts...Spirits...Mediums. Too many episodes of Medium, Ghost Whisperer and Crossing Over. But golly it fascinates me. And it makes me feel so much more assured about the promises we read of in the Bible. It makes sense to me somehow.

3. Cemeteries. It all started when I first visited the main cemetery in Savannah before starting college down near there. I wandered from tombstone to tombstone reading the inscriptions and feeling the pain of the loved one who had it inscribed. Then I had a class in statistics where I had to visit the cemeteries and figure out statistics on what month most people died or were born. I love the history that the cemeteries preserve even if i do feel it's a waste of space in many growing communities.

2. Musical Lyrics. I love em!! I determine how much I like a song based on what the song is saying! First thing i do when I buy a CD is to pull out the jacket and read along as the song plays. I so envy songwriters and their amazing talent. Of taking our emotions and writing them out to song.

1. Weight Loss Success stories. I could read them over and over again. Stories of how people overcome adversity to lose multitudes of pounds. What I can learn from them. How I dream of one day losing my weight and inspiring others.

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