Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Voter Tuesday

As it says, I'm a GA voter, Are you? Today I went to the polls and cast my secret ballot. I've never voted before in a firehouse. But hey, it worked, nice and roomy and plenty of space. The computers you vote with are really cool now. You just put your card in and press away. At the end it shows you what you voted for and allows you to make any changes. I just wish it allowed you to print what you voted for so you could take that home with you to watch the results with...but i guess they're assuming you had that with you when you came in to vote in the first place.

I have this very UN-scientific method of voting. I vote based on people I feel strongly about not considering the party they represent first...then i consider the party. I've always voted STRONLY democrat. Then I consider Male vs Female. Female Democrats (Cynthia McKenny excluded) would do well with me. I refuse to "vote" for an office where there is NO race! It's a waste of my time to pick when there is no choice. GROWLS. I dont think there should EVER be a case when someone runs un-opposed.

Anyway, the results will come in tonight...and the gubernatorial candidate i chose will probably LOSE because Georgia is such a red state. Oh well. at least my Democrat voice was heard here in Barrow county.

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