Friday, January 09, 2009

Getting Healthy

So next to losing weight, the step to getting healthy is to get my butt back to the doctor. So this week I pulled up my insurance provider website and made myself an appointment for today with what I hope will become my permenant doctor. I dont know what it is with me, but I rarely stick with one doctor for very long. And this is not a good thing. This doctor, while stuck in an office out of 1979, was relatively young and knowledgeable and NICE. He didnt chastise me for being so long seeing a doctor or going un-treated. He didnt say ONE WORD about my weight. If anything, I brought it up along with the fact I'd lost about 35 pounds and was doing weight watchers.

So, now I'm back on Glucotrol and I was excited to find out that it's on Walmart's list of $4 drugs. Whoo hoo. Funny thing is I rarely buy my "drugs" at Walmart but CVS...but they charge me the full copay of $10. So hopefully we'll be seeing my bloodsugars coming on down.

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