Sunday, June 03, 2007

Change in the Air

The winds of change are blowing this way. And hopefully blowing southward. A huge financial burden that's been a monkey on our backs for 3 long years has been lifted. We can now start thinking about buying a house. Or at least making changes. Currently, we're considering moving south. We've had variuos thoughts. California, Nashville, etc. Our thoughts these days seem to be running towards the Tampa area. It's so very exciting to me...I've wanted to move somewhere different all of my adult life. I was just on the cusp of moving to Raleigh when I met Don. Then he & I were on the verge of moving to Virginia when i got a huge promotion at work. Then it seems I was stuck here.

But Dale has a marvelous job that allows him to work from home. And home can be anywhere. He's going to double check with his boss to make sure nothing would be jeopardized by a move, but as of right now it looks good. We need to save a little money...and considering we're going to have a large birthday party for me in July AND we're going on vacation to the beach come end of July, it's not likely we could see this move til the end of the year...But I'm quite hopeful. I love this idea!!! A fresh start. New places, new people, new friends. I would never in a million years want to give up my current friends...but we'd like to try this for 1 a house down there while we save money for a down payment etc. If we like it, we can stay. If we dont, we can come back up here and buy a house at that time. We're talking about giving ourselves a year away so to speak.

I'm so very excited about the prospect.


Anonymous said...

Hi Gina. I sounds you and Dale have thought this though very thoroughly. I hope everything works out just as well or better than you are hoping.

Happy Mama to Three said...

Oh how exiciting. There are some interesting changes brewing in our lives as well but I can't post them here since they aren't officially public news. I will drop you an email and fill lin the blanks.

I was just so thrilled to see a post I wanted to jump up and down and cheer even if I do black both my eyes.

I love you babe.

Hug the kidlets and you sweetie for me.


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