Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Am I glad i got divorced?

A friend of mine recently posted a blog about her divorce and how it's been 7 years since hers was final. Ironically, mine was final about 3 years ago this past month (August) Her blog was about how she was celebrating it because of all the good that's come from it...and it set me to thinking.

i want to embrace it for it has brought me what i never knew i wanted so badly. It's brought me a husband who really loves me! Like husband #1 never did. It brought me a family...with THREE children...that i never would have had with my ex.


I never wanted the divorce. I didnt pursue it...i fought it tooth & nail. I wanted him to choose me. I wanted so much with him.

But God knew better. He answered my prayers...but not in the way I wanted at the time.

So, the question remains. Am i happy i got divorced? Is it something to be glad and to celebrate. hmmmm hard one. Yes...I guess i am glad. The woman i am now would never have stayed happy with my ex. She would have grown very dissatisfied. I just didnt see that at the time. I couldnt see past the hurt i was feeling. I'll never be glad of the hurt I went thru when he cheated on me...but I can be happy it's past and embrace the person i've become.

1 comment:

Happy Mama to Three said...

In my post about divorce, I can still say that I never ever thought I would be a divorced woman, or a single mother, or even take back my maiden name. Some days there is still that little question. But not 99% of the time. I pray that you reach that point that the pain fades, the anger fades, and only the good that has come of where you are now is what you see.

We love you toodles.
