Saturday, June 11, 2005

Classics Never Go Out of Style

So tonight, Stephanie & Courtney were spending the night and we found that we had the Boomerang channel. Instead of the usual Power Rangers, it was a Tom & Jerry fest. It was so awesome to see allll the kids laughing hysterically at the antics of the 50+ yrs old cat and mouse.

Sprained my ankle today...UGH. It popped and down I went. Nice & swollen now. Tomorrow is the damned visitation. GRRRRR @ Linda.


GodlessMom said...

I love Boomerang! I'm into the Scooby Do fests!

Thanks for commenting on my blog I hope you'll stop by again. You've got a really fun site here. There's nothing quite so wonderful as family.

The Lazy Iguana said...

Boomerang is a great network. I have satellite TV and pretty much stick to these channels

1. Cartoon Network
2. Boomerang
3. Spike TV
4. History Channel/History International
5. National Geographic
6. Science Channel
7. Bravo (if something good is on)

late at night, Boomerang shows the old Popeye cartoons. The ones from the 1930s.