Thursday, September 27, 2007

Thursday 13

I don't have the fancy graphics that my friend Cindi does, but I'm just getting started on this. Today's topic will be...

13 Things I like to serve for breakfast as breakfast is my favorite meal of the day.

13. Cereal to the imps. Their favorites are cocoa puffs, apple jacks and Lucky Charms. And the one they all agree on and my personal favorite, FROSTED FLAKES.

12. Cinnamon Toast. My mom used to make this for us and I always loved it. I dont make it for myself because it has so much sugar, but I do make a Weight Watchers variation of it on bagels with splenda and "i cant believe it's not butter"

11. Mini-Bagels/Bagels. The imps love the mini-bagels with white cream cheese for Ebeth, strawberry cream cheese for Joshi and "sprinkle" (shredded) colby jack for John. I use a diet peanut butter called PB2 on mine and all fruit. Also buy my bagels from Publix and get the "alternative bagel" cause it's only 1 WW point.

10. Pancakes. Now I'm not a fancy maker of these...I admit to buying the "add water" mix and cooking them up on the griddle. And, I buy the low fat version to make for myself. I always make too many and end up freezing the rest for fast breakfasts during the week.

9. Egg Sandwiches. I haven't proven to the kids how wonderful these are, but I love them. Josh & John will occasionally join me with them. I like mine with light mayo and 2 scrambled eggs. But when I have them at Waffle House, I add the bacon and cheese.

8. Scrambled Egg Mix. I do this with egg beaters, salt, mushrooms, onions, and diced tomatoes. Very WW friendly and good too.

7. Grits. Sometimes with cheese, sometimes just butter, sometimes with chopped up smoked sausage. Any way shape or form, Grits are the way to go in my book.

6. Oatmeal. A staple on Weight Watchers. Personally, I have mine with sugar free syrup and I cant believe it's not butter.

5. Pop Tarts. For the imps, not me. The favorite in our house is Strawberry and Chocolate ones.

4. Leftover Pizza. Always a good staple but I have to admit that I do heat mine up.

3. Omlettes. Preferably from Waffle House with ham and cheese and hashbrowns on the side scattered, covered and chunked.

2. Golden Corral Buffet for breakfast. EVERYTHING on it.

1. Sausage Egg & Cheese McMuffin from McDonalds. I admit it, I'm a junk food junky!!!

1 comment:

Happy Mama to Three said...

Oh Lordy how I miss Waffle House desperately. I need to come back South and hit a Waffle House. Grits, I need out-to-eat grits that are worth eating.
