Sunday, September 28, 2008

Sunday Stuff

Pre family days, I used to love Sundays. They were my relaxing day. The day to sit back, watch football, go to craft festivals, etc. Then I became a part of this family and Sundays became a dreaded thing. A day when we had to do the unnecessary visit with Dale's ex. She has it in her mind that the kids NEED to see her. Yeah right. ANYWAY.

But today, we declined her offer of a visit and enjoyed a morning at home...i worked a bit this morning then went downstairs to make pancakes for breakfast. For some reason, pancakes put me in a good mood. Then we just kinda hung around the house, I worked some more, the kids colored and watched tv. Then after lunch, we took the kids to the indoor swimming pool over in Lawrenceville. It was a treat since we havn't been swimming since Labor Day or so. We came home and brought Pizza Hut pasta & pizza to eat for supper...the kids got to eat "picnic" style on the floor in front of tv (a rarity) and Dale and I got to take ours upstairs to watch in front of the football games.

Now, I'm working some more..

So as you can see, it wasnt an exciting day. Just a fun one in my book. Getting ready for Josh's birthday ...we're doing a skating birthday party which I think every kid has at some point in his or her life. All for now.

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