Wednesday, August 08, 2007


For those of you who dont know me that well, I'm an avid reader! I have been since the age of 8 or so when I discovered biographies (the first one i read was of Babe Ruth) then I discovered this line of western fiction books for young readers although I can't remember the titles. I've been thru Judy Blume and Norma Klein to Hardy Boys and Bobsey Twins. And it's really cool that my imps are picking up on my reading habit now too. Both Josh & Elizabeth have read Bobsey Twins books and each have read one of Judy Blume's...(I'm careful which ones I let them read yet tho...Josh read BLUBBER & Elizabeth is currently reading IT"S NOT THE END OF THE WORLD) John I think will turn into a reader soon too. He enjoys all kinds of books that I buy him including the Little Critter books that i ADORE.

Most recently, I've read THE MULBERRY TREE by Jude Deveraux (not sure if i spelled that right) and I loved it. I've read several of her books before because she writes time travel books which is a genre that I love in and of it's self. But this was a present day book that was both romance and mystery. Now for the most part, I'm not a mystery lover. I'm one of those people who turn to the last page and read who dun it and figure why read the book then...but then again I've been known to do that with romances too. I'll skim the last couple of pages and if i see the names of the main characters, I figure they end up together. I've been doing this for a while and only really been burned once. I read KRAMER VS KRAMER and the last line of the last page said, "And Ted Kramer got to keep his son" ...well, no sense reading that one huh??

Books have always been a wonderful past time for me...something to do while i'm in traffic (not a great idea i know!) or in the bath tub...or travelling. My ex and i use to read to each other in the long drives into work and home again (we lived 1.5 hours from work) and that was fun. Additionally, I enjoy the books on CD and books on tapes more than I ever thought I would...but nothing beats a lazy Sunday and a hot bath.

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