Monday, January 01, 2007

Out with the old and in with the new. The new year finds it brisk and chilly here in Auburn although last night we about burned up! I went up to Bath & Bodyworks to pick up some of their $5 air freshener refills while they were on sale and I went to pick up some Freecycle blue jeans for Josh. We can never seem to keep him enough jeans. The kids are all tired today as we let them stay up to see in the new year last night at Jeff & Christine's. They all had a ball. I've been bringing in the new year with them for the last 20 yrs or so. I think we may have missed one or two...but certainly not more than that. It used to be big parties, but now it's more of a quiet thing at one of our houses.

As for last year's resolutions, I did pretty well. The were:
Organize & Keep Neat my bedroom/office/bathroom (that one is debatable...Dale organized the bathroom and it's stayed pretty good...the bedroom goes thru stages as does my desk area...I wouldnt say it was as successful as I would have liked. )
Get my fasting blood sugars Under 200 (DONE!!)
Get BACK into my jeans (DONE!!)

So two out of three isnt bad.

For this year...hmm...
Yell Less (not really measurable...but something i want to work on none-the-less)
Find a Church & attend on a semi-regular basis
Get under 200 pounds.

So we'll see how I do this year.

1 comment:

Happy Mama to Three said...

I am praying that God will suddenly give me an extra gene in my DNA, you know the one? It makes me get off my ass and get more stuff done. Yea we'll see how that goes.

I am you had a great Christmas. I have a package that we will be shipping to you on Friday I will email you the tracking label.

Some people will rattle about anything in a comment huh?