Saturday, September 02, 2006

Garage Sale Finds

We spent the morning doing one of my favorite past-times...garage sailing! Dale decided to go with us and serve as chauffer (like in the kid's favorite song..."My poor old gray-haired daddy, driving my limousine") It was so much fun! And the bargains were there to be had! As you may or may not know, all garage sales are not created equal and with three little ones and 1 teenager with us, everyone doesnt need to get out everytime. I get out to scout it out with one child or by myself and then wave to the rest if there are things of interest to others.

Stop # 1...Elizabeth gets out with me to pick out some videos...A big bin to choose from at 3 for $5. We got three including JUNGLE BOOK...a must have!

Stop #2...Josh gets out with me and I find a Christmas Coca Cola Bottle (i collect Coca Cola memorbilla) for 1.50 and 2 paperbacks for .25c each (my paperback collection that was my joy got flooded over the summer and i lost them all to mildew. So i picked up FRIED GREEN TOMATOES AT THE WHISTLESTOP CAFE for a quarter, cant beat that. Oh and a cool multi-colored mat (for pictures) with stars cut into it. And a stool. Why did i need it? Well in our house the kids are always needing stools to stand on or sit on or what not. They had $4 on it, but i offered 2.50 and he said yes :)

Stop #3...a moving sale. Dale buys a tennis bag (he plays raquetball..and has a bag fetish!) I got some cassettes (I'm the only woman in America with a cassette player still in her car!) and a shelf that i need to re-paint and will put in Elizabeth's room (for a dollar!) The kids picked up some toys. I felt sorry for the owner of that sale...she was having to move to a 2-bedroom apartment and had to get rid of all her stuff.

Stop #4...THE MOTHERLODE! It was a basement sale in a gorgeous neighborhood. I waved the family on in when I found out they had lots of kids clothes...Apparently the woman used to have a consignment store. It was Make Me An Offer day. I picked up 3 dress, 1 pair of Tommy Hilfiger jeans, 2 shirts, 1 teen shirt, 1 teen swimsuit, a skort outfit (that included the socks!) a set of binoculars and a toy horse that really walks, a giant bean bag chair (finally something for Joshua) 8.25! I felt like a theif.

It was a ball to me!!

On the Weight Watchers front, i'm down 31 pounds with weigh in on Tuesday this week due to Labor Day. Have been having a good weekend so far.


Happy Mama to Three said...

You had a freaking amazing yardsaling day. I have been doing alot of freecycling lately to get rid of stuff while we are moving. We have ditched so much crap we just didn't need, want, have a use for, etc. And ended up with some amazing things, like a almost mint condition 1972 electric organ for The Princess that she is just THRILLED to the gills with, and a gorgeous oak mirror for the hallway that exactly matches the cove molding in the entry at the new house. You need to check out your area Freecycle, it's like free yardsaling EVERY DAY, EVEN AT 4 am. What more can a cheap gal want?

WOOHOO on your Weight Watchers success. You are AMAZING babe.


Anonymous said...

What a fun day going from one garage sale to another! You got some really great deals, especially at stop #4.

Thanks for stopping by my place and introducing yourself!