Monday, May 23, 2005

Weekend re-cap

Stayed in Friday night...the kids watched THE WILDERNESS FAMILY. I was surprised it kept the interest of all three kids. I'm always weary when I 'm the one who picks the movie..then Saturday it was the kids played inside etc...and Dale & i unpacked kitchen stuff from the apartment. Then Amy kept the kids Saturday night and Dale and I had a date :) Went into Atlanta for KPOG. Then Sunday, Janice had a birthday party for John in their new swimming pool so we all went for that...luckily, the ex cancelled her visit. So, all in all, a good weekend.

Money is VERY tight these renews my interest in building the ebay business. Sharon gave me a bunch of stuff to sell when i saw her Saturday want to get that going. Plus, the CD's sell so well, would love to obtain more of those. Dale & i've decided to have the garage sale the second saturday in June...We're hoping it will net us enough to get the transmission fixed. Wish us luck.

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