Tuesday, May 31, 2005
High 5's to Fat Albert
We rented FAT ALBERT for the kids tonight and i was VERY pleasantly surprised at a) how good it was and b) how well the kids liked it too. They've been a handful today and it didnt help that i havent felt well. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. Hopefully, we're going into the gym tomorrow...Those kind of days are always good because the morning goes so quickly and the kids will get to burn off energy.
Thursday, May 26, 2005
Back in the Saddle
We all went into the gym today and i was proud of us...we played 3 games (of which of course i lost) and then i did some walking on the treadmill. We have a treadmill i could use here at home, IF we could find room to put it!! We have it in storage right now.
The kids are napping right now...Should be up in another 20 minutes or so...this is my best time to get anything done during the day...i can slip in here and list an auction or two ocassionally...but not uninterupted time.
Monday, May 23, 2005
Weekend re-cap
Stayed in Friday night...the kids watched THE WILDERNESS FAMILY. I was surprised it kept the interest of all three kids. I'm always weary when I 'm the one who picks the movie..then Saturday it was rainy....so the kids played inside etc...and Dale & i unpacked kitchen stuff from the apartment. Then Amy kept the kids Saturday night and Dale and I had a date :) Went into Atlanta for KPOG. Then Sunday, Janice had a birthday party for John in their new swimming pool so we all went for that...luckily, the ex cancelled her visit. So, all in all, a good weekend.
Money is VERY tight these days...it renews my interest in building the ebay business. Sharon gave me a bunch of stuff to sell when i saw her Saturday night...so want to get that going. Plus, the CD's sell so well, would love to obtain more of those. Dale & i've decided to have the garage sale the second saturday in June...We're hoping it will net us enough to get the transmission fixed. Wish us luck.
Thursday, May 12, 2005
still sick again
Tonight, we drove into Target and got the grill we'd both been wanting. We were quite frugal too...payday isnt till tomorrow, so we packed dinner (fed them sandwiches & pretzels and a fudge round for dessert! Bad parents!!)
We're having a cookout this weekend with his family and it should be fun to do on the new grill. The kids LOVE cookouts so I'm glad that we're doing it. Wish we could set up tables outside to eat on...
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
still sick
Working with Elizabeth on writing her name in upper/lower letters....she's coming along pretty well i think.
Thursday, May 05, 2005
Cinco de Mayo
The kids have been pretty good today..we went into Commerce and got some groceries and a new microwave and got Elizabeth's hair cut. It looks cute and should hopefully stay out of her face now. John was up most of the night coughing but seems to be doing better today. More later.