Found this on a friend's blog and borrowed it because I thought it would make for interesting converstion
[1] Would you do meth if it was legalized?
No, not today, tomorrow or ever.
[2] Abortion: for or against it? my lifetime I've gone back and forth on this one. My husband has a very compelling argument on it that I'd like to share. He says he's against it. He feels only God knows when the fetus becomes a human and why test God on this point. So when the final day of judgement comes, does he want to be guilty of Murder or thwarting free will??? Hmmmm....
But to answer the question on my own....For me it's wrong. I think Adoption is ALWAYS the better option. But I am not going to tell someone else what they should do. That's for them to decide. If they ask, I'll give my opinion. But I do believe it should be legal.
[3] Do you think the world would fail with a female president?
No. I think the right woman...just as the right man would bring a new perspective on the position. Not all women would make a good president anymore than just any man would make a good president.
[4] Do you believe in the death penalty?
I'm a fence sitter on this one. I see both sides...I think there should have to be certain types of irrefutible evidence in the guilty decree before the Death Penalty should be allowed.
[5] Do you wish marijuana would be legalized already?
I think marijuana is no more harmful than alcohol...But do I want my children doing it? NO. But do i want them drinking either? no. I think like cigarettes and alcohol it should be legalized at certain ages.
[6] Are you for or against premarital sex?
I think sex is a vital part of any good marriage. If there are problems in the sexual arena, it's better to know before you commit to each other. To quote the sin scale above...which sin would I rather answer for? Divorce due to incompatibility or pre-marital sex....
[7] Do you believe in God?
Yes, yes yes.
[8] Do you think same sex marriage should be legalized?
I think civil unions should be legal. So that couples that have chosen to live together can share in all the benefits of taxes, insurance coverage etc. But as I read in my friend's blog, I feel a CHURCH shouldn't be legally required to perform a marriage since that kind of marriage goes against it's doctrines. But a civil ceremony shouldnt be a problem.
[9] Do you think it's wrong that so many aliens (of race, not ETs) are illegally moving to the USA?
Yes, i soooo think it's wrong. I think that there are legal ways to come into our country. Go thru them. I'm sorry your country is not what you want it to be...sometimes the USA isnt either, but you dont see me taking off for Montreal either do you? Work to make your own country better or come to another country the legal way.
[10] A twelve year old girl has a baby, should she keep it?
No. A 12 year old is a sister, not a mother. She can't drive, cant vote, can't MOTHER a child. Even if she gives birth to it. It needs to be given up to someone else...her parents if they're willing? adopted? Not aborted, but re-assigned.
[11] Should the alcohol age be lowered to eighteen?
As long as the voting age and the draft age is 18, yes.
[12] Should the war in Iraq be called off?
Yes, we've outstayed our welcome. The Iraqi govt needs to govern it's self at this point. We've got toooo many domestic issues to handle. Let the Iraquis handle theirs now.
[13] Assisted suicide is illegal: do you agree?
There are situations where it's the most humane thing that can be done. God granted us free will. Like abortion, the government should not be interferring with our wishes in this area.
[14] Do you believe in spanking your children?
Yes. Time outs work sometimes. Writing Sentences work sometimes. and sometimes, its a spanking that works. It should never be the sole form of punishment. But sometimes, it's the one thing that gets thru to a child or emphasizes how dangerous or wrong an action they made was.
[15] Would you burn an American flag for a million dollars?
publicly, no. I would burn one in private for a million bucks, then I would make amends somehow. Possibly by donating a significant amount to a patriotic charity etc.
[16] Who do you think would make a better president? McCain or Obama?
[17] Are you afraid others will judge you from reading some of your answers?
Obviously I'm not afraid of it...or I wouldnt have posted it on my blog.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
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