Sunday, March 26, 2006

Let's Go Fly A Kite!!

It's been a sunny blustery windy day (the kind i mentioned to Dale that would be perfect for flying a kite) but a really great one too! And what day WOULDNT be great that starts with sex? Grins...and then Linda canceling the visit. Then the kids playing awesomely all morning with arts & crafts while i took a leisurely bath, Dale got a shower and i did some work. Then lunch at McD's with the kids playing on the playground then Brewsters for ice cream...only blemish on the day was the fact they no longer sell the Low-carb ice cream!!! Isn't that AWFUL??? So Dale goes down to Kroger and buys me some low carb ice cream bars and while he's down there, he picks up a Kite for me!! (one with Bart SIMPSON on the front! LOL) So i came home put it together and took it outside for a spin. Perfect! I was VERY impressed. Kids watched Peter Pan on video, i made soft tacos for dinner...and now they're in bed and we're chilling out in the bedroom. Like i said...a great day!

Sunday, March 19, 2006


Since i was a kid, Sunday nights are my favorite day/night to write in my journal. I got the idea for keeping a journal from a Judy Blume book i read in the 3rd grade. The name of the book was IT'S NOT THE END OF THE WORLD. The girl in the book's parents were getting a divorce and she kept a journal to get thru it. Additionally, she graded her days as you would on a report card...always striving for A+ days. So i took up the habit...I only graded for a few years, but my journal habit has lasted all these years. The individual journals are spread about and i would like to gather them all together in chronological order. Thinks it will help me when i finally write my Great American Novel...QUEENS COVE. (after King Rd...the road i grew up on)

I suppose Sundays are like my New Year's Day...a chance to start over again each and every week. A chance to reflect on the past week and look ahead to the next one. A good friend of mine dreads Sundays like the plague. She thinks they're depressing since the next day is MONDAY. Back to work. Funny thing is that she has every opportunity to be a stay-at-home mom and turns it down each time. Even when i was in the "corporate" world, i didn't dread Sundays...just a new opportunity to do better, find cuter outfits, lose weight, make new plans etc. Rainy Sundays are my favorite. An excuse to do nothing. A time to sleep late, read the newspaper, watch football games, sort thru my closet, watch sappy old movies, make love languidly (in the days prior to having 3 kids anyway!! ) or just heat up macaroni & cheese and snuggle in with a good book. Those kind of days i covet. They come very rarely these days.

There's a country music song about what Sundays are supposed to be about...and while i relate to it talks more about what you do as a family on Sundays...i have always thought of Sunday as MY day...maybe that's why i resent Linda and the "visits" each and every Sunday. Invading MY time. It's not that i'd even have the day to myself if we didn't do the visit...but still. And if i wanted to bow out of the Sunday visits, I'm sure Dale would be ok with it. But he would only be OK...i think he wants my company for the visitations...We usually drop the kids off to visit with Linda and we take Sheena with us. And it's not that he can't communicate or handle Sheena...but Dale's not much of a talker. So it helps things when i'm along. Plus we usually have a long drive to take the kids etc. And sometimes when the kids go to the park, Sheena likes to stay and enjoy the visit with them....and Dale and i get a free day in Athens. We go and see a movie and have lunch or do whatever...I keep telling him we need to get a condo in Athens so we can escape there! grins.

So my Sunday is coming to a close i'm just out of the bathtub (another Favorite Sunday treat!) and i look forward to next week. Another week to make changes (gonna stay on my diet!), plan errands (gotta register John for Pre-k & take Joshua to doctor, make dentist appts for kids & return some clothes that Linda bought the kids) and sort thru my wardrobe (bout time to bring spring/summer clothes to the front of the closet).

Hope you have a good week also!

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Jinxing myself

So i'm probably going to jinx myself since it's only 3:17pm...but it's been a good day so far. The kids are doing really well. We got up this morning and after i got off work at 9am we all had breakfast and headed to the gym. We didn't stay as long as we usually did and that probably helped the kids some. Came home and the kids watched FREAKY FRIDAY which i'd bought off Ebay for them and it came in the mail today. They seemed to really like it...especially Josh. I think he has a thing for Lindsey Lohan.

I fixed lunch (hamburgers, fries, & apple slices & milk to drink) (the kids are finally getting used to having milk at every meal as the doctor mandated) and they lay down for "naps" but of course Elizabeth didn't sleep...but that's ok...she lay there quietly, read her books and didn't bother anyone. That's all i require during naptime. Her behavior has come sooooo far since this time last year...regarding her naps & sleep at night. Plus, she really seems to be improving at school too...She's had 6 out of 7 good days at school. But sure as i say this, i'll jinx it!

We have another busy weekend coming up...Cousins Stephanie & Courtney are coming to stay with us...They're not bad...just makes for a busier household.

All for now.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Just stuff

It's a Saturday you know where your kids are? Well since mine are 4, 6 & 7 i happen to know they're in bed...not yet asleep. We had a good day i think...Got up this morning..had breakfast then the girls (Sheena is staying with us this weekend & first part of next) & i went and got our hair cut and to get groceries. The boys went to get Joshua's hair cut and to bank & post office. We met back here for lunch, play outside and naps. Then we went to Monterey's for dinner (love me some Mexican food!) and to Home Depot to pick up some ant killer. Home again home again jiggity jig. Kids watched some George of the Jungle 2...went to bed and Sheena is hopping in the shower. So nothing exciting...just nice being together & apart as a family.

Sunday tomorrow should be one of the good ones...NO VISIT. God i so dread those things. I admit to my loathing of deadbeat Linda. She has no place in the kids lives anymore. They dont need her. She's not their biological mother. She doesn't hardly know them anymore. And doesn't make the effort to. God i wish she'd just fade into the sunset. i'm a bad person.

Diet is going pretty well. Low Carb is definitely the route for keeps my blood sugars down and allows me to eat the foods i want. I'm down 15 pounds in 2 months...Not great...but certainly better than the alternative. 295 was where i started, i'm at 280 goal is to fit in my jeans again. Grins. We'll negotiate from there.

Dale and i are going to start investing in stocks this coming's a bold move for us because we have so many financial obligations...but we're paying all bills and investing the leftover. Wish us luck.