Saturday, August 27, 2005

another funnyism

So, once again, i sprained my ankle today. This time at a garage sale. Stepped on an uneven part in the garage/driveway area and SPLAT...God it hurt. I cried it hurt so bad. So i hobbled back to the car...Elizabeth was very concerned..."Mom, it's ok. Do you want me to drive home?" giggles.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

me & mom Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Kids REALLY do say the funniest things

So John starts hollering for me a few minutes ago...MOOOOOOM...Moooooom....So i go in there to see what emergency has befallen him. "i have to go pee.." he explains. "That's fine John, but lets not yell for me...Just go do it. You're going to wake Joshua." (with whom he shares a room) He looks at me as we go into the bathroom..."So Mom, should i pee slow then?" GIGGLES to the inth degree.

Monday, August 08, 2005

First Real Day of School

Our kids started back officially Friday (after having been 4 days late due to paperwork issues) but it was only a partial day. Today they got up at 615am and caught the bus like big kids. Grins.
This picture was taken Friday for their first day...What you cant see is that Elizabeth's shirt is actually on backwards. Oh well.